Cowboy. Rodeo Star. Civil Engineer. Bootmaker. Artist. Teacher. Not much I can say about Jack Reed that hasn’t been said better before... the man and his work are legendary.
An intelligent man who enjoyed conversation, Reed learned from the best. Leno Trujillio, Rios of Raymondville, Lucchese, Ray Jones. I don’t think it irrelevant that Reed and Jones were both interested in engineering. And like Ray Jones, Reed was a perfectionist, a man committed to his art.
"Some folks like to play golf or fish, but I enjoy the 372 steps of boot making." - Jack ReedMr. Reed made this pair of Cowboy boots boots in the late 1970s, a few years after his decision to "return" to making custom boots. Like the man who made them they are remarkable. The art of the Jack Reed. The art of the boot.
Bespoke Cowboy Boots by Jack Reed

Mr. Reed organized the first Boot, Leather and Saddle Makers Roundup. It was held in Burnet, Texas over twenty years ago. Kathy and Eddie Kimmel carry on the tradition. The 21st Annual Boot and Saddle Makers Roundup will be held October 2nd & 3rd 2009 in Witchita Falls, Texas. Tip of the hat to those good folks.
Reed also taught boot making... a one-week long 40-hour crash course in the finer points of making western style boots. More than thirty students studied under Mr. Reed. Many took to the work, and it is hard work... they continue to make custom boots in the tradition of their teacher.
Jack Reed died in 2004. He was 81 years old and had spent over 40 years making custom boots for cowboys, ranchers, businessmen and celebrities.
"They are a part of our life in Texas. We wear them because our daddies wore them, and everybody around you wears them. They go back to the days of the cattle drives, and they are still used as work boots today." - Jack ReedSeems to me that the hereafter must be a darn good place to get yourself that pair of custom boots you've always dreamed of...
Richard Cook was Jack Reeds' last student. He bought the business when Mr. Reed retired in 2000. Cook, a former Texas Ranger and a fine artist, takes pride in his Texas heritage and promotes Reed's belief that when cowboy boots are made right, they are works of art and engineering. His shop, Richard Cook Custom Boots, is in Seguin, Texas.
Boots: Collection J. Davis
Photo of Jack Reed: Jim Arndt
Photography: J. Davis
Photo of Jack Reed: Jim Arndt
Photography: J. Davis